Wud up wit the whoreingness ways of The Kid, as seen in our logo? He's not only the face of
The American Undershirt (now d-funct), but apparently has been moonlighting as the poster child of evil incarnate over at
Family.org. Is he not satisfied with the life contract he signed with Thighs Wide LLC? Has he been consorting with superjerkagent Drew Rosenhaus? I even got em a date with Van Dame Dakota Fanning and this is the spanks he gives me? Look kid, like all the Ladies of Thighs, you too could get yer walking papers at any minute I'm drinking Minute Maid. So shape up or ship shup or shavel shnazle
Shavlik Randolph. And that can mean only two things. One:
INVASION. And Two: Paris Hilton is the 5th coming of HER ROYAL THIGHNES?#?!@#??@$ [via
Alfie and Warwick Davis the III]

• CC the IV could not be reached for comment cause she was too busy appearing in
fake NSFW photoshopness•
Ms Dunst and
The NY Times are the latest to join the largest growing ultra gay ultra stencil font using political group: The
Pink Party. Just don't eggspect
Andy Rooney to log on anytime soon... or to hang out with
'negros' either
Gaius Julius Caesar loves fine women and wine, and offing Palestinian terrorists, with the help of his Hebraic buddies, the Hulk and 007... as seen in the
FIRST Spielbergo Munich trailer•
Spiders have all the luck
The skimpy black apron thingie kinda makes up for the overspraytannedness
Lowell, the Sandman [via Pakula Shaker]
Chances are it's not going to be "up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, start." ...and at least it's not
Just Like Heaven: The RPG •
Why does my body jerk when I'm falling asleep?• Why do I jerk off before I fall asleep?
• Free passes to
Lord of the Rings Lite and
Lame Ass Pseudo Graduate sequel• Since I was wrong dead wrong about the odds I set last week, I'm going to go ahead and ruin the ending of
Jarhead for ya: 'Jesus Walks' plays over the closing credits... review 4thcummin
The Ali G NBA spots• Speaking of...
The Ultimate Movie Meal Menu•
Almost more eggciting than a game of
Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off Road•
Miss McDonald, E-I-E-I-OMG
• And in clothing, SCLAPPY PAPPYpapsmear
BURSTDAY TO ME!! Give me gifts and maybe I'll add you to my
Guy Fawkes Day greeting card distribution list next year. If not, fork you and the horse you banged last weekend. Anywhozits, enjoy these here pics of Winnie Cooper in Leia Episode IV gear...